High symmetry groups are often studied in high energy physics.
Their application in condensed matter is typically as a mathematical
convenience for applying the 1/N-expansion to handle
strong-correlation effects when the system has no natural small
Since 2003, we have proposed a new perspective from high symmetries
(e.g. SU(2N) and Sp(2N)) to study the alkali and alkaline-earth
fermion systems
where 2N is the fermion component number and hence typically even.
We have explored, in atomic systems, complex and beautiful many-body
physics difficult to realize in usual solids.
(For a brief review, please see
Ref. [2]).
It also sheds new light on explorations of novel states
of matter in ultra-cold atom experiments.
This direction since 2010 has attracted considerable attentions in
cold atom research by various groups, and has also become an active
experiment focus pioneered by Y. Takahashi's group at Kyoto Univ.
Non-technical perspective articles introducing the experimental
progress can be found in Physics
Ref. [3].
What is new?
The large-spin cold fermion systems are fundamentally different
from the large-spin solid state systems.
In solids, there also exist large spin objects: Hund's rule coupling
aligns spins of several electrons on the same cations forming a large
However, quantum fluctuations are suppressed by large spin due
to the 1/S-effect.
The intersite coupling is dominated by the exchange of a single pair of
electrons, which suppresses quantum fluctuations as S goes larger.
In contrast, this restriction does not exist in cold atom systems
because each large-spin atom moves as an entire object.
The exchange of a single pair of large-spin atoms can completely
flip the spin configuration, which enhances quantum spin fluctuations.
(See Ref. [3]
for details.)
Exact Sp(4) symmetry
We proved an exact and generic hidden symmetry of Sp(4), or, isomorphically
SO(5) symmetry in spin-3/2 fermion systems (e.g.,132Cs, 9Be, 135Ba,
137Ba, 201Hg)
Its exactness is independent of dimensionality, lattice geometry and
external potentials.
Such a high symmetry without fine-tuning is rare, whose role in spin-3/2
systems is analogous to that of SU(2) symmetry in spin-1/2 systems.
This exact Sp(4), or, SO(5), symmetry provides an important guidance in
studying novel large-spin quantum phases.
It protects the hidden degeneracy among collective excitations of Fermi
liquids Ref.[1],
and gives rise to the non-Abelian defects and the SO(4) Cheshire charge in
the quintet Cooper pairing superfluid
Ref. [4].
It also unifies different competing orders
including antiferromagnetism in different spin-tensor channels,
charge-density-wave, and superconductivity
This work also greatly enriches the physics of large-N quantum magnetism
by providing a realistic system.
Baryon condensation and color magnetism
In spite of the huge difference of energy scales, the large-spin cold
fermions can also exhibit similar physics to that in QCD -- the
multi-particle clustering instabilities.
With attractive interactions, Pauli's exclusion principle allows
N-fermions to form an SU(N) singlet state, a ``baryon-like''
multiple-fermion instability when N>2.
For the super-exchange physics in the Mott-insulating states,
if each site is in the fundamental representation, it also needs
$N$ sites to form an SU(N) singlet.
We have performed the bosonization analysis on the competition
between the baryon-type condensation and the pairing condensation
in 1D systems
Ref. [5] .
Counter-intuitively, magnetic fluctuations in spin-3/2 systems are even
stronger than those with s = 1/2 due to the high symmetry.
A four-site plaquette order without any site or bond spin orders can be
stabilized. We (with S. Chen et al.) constructed an SU(4) Majumdar-
Ghosh model, whose solvable ground state exhibits such order in
the two-leg ladder systems
Ref. [6] .
The plquette SU(4) singlet state and its competition with the
antiferromagnetic state and the dimerized state are studied
Ref. [7] .
Further, a resonant 3D SU(4) plaquette phase is studied in
Ref. [8] , which could be connected to the recent research of
Alice string and SO(4) Cheshire charge
The half-quantum vortex in superuids with the spin degree of freedom is
an exotic topological defect as a global analogue of the Alice string
in gauge theories.
The half-quantum vortex loop can possess spin quantum number which is an
example of the Cheshire charge phenomenon.
An Abelian version of the global Alice string and Cheshire charge exists
in the triplet superuid of the 3He-A phase, where the spin SU(2) symmetry
is broken into the U(1) symmetry around the z-axis.
A remarkable property is that both quasi-particles and spin wave
excitations reverse the sign of their spin quantum numbers Sz
when going through the half-quantum vortex loop.
Meanwhile, the half-quantum vortex loop also changes Sz to maintain
spin conservation. However, no entanglement is generated in this process.
We generalize the above picture to the non-Abelian Alice string and
the topological generation of quantum entanglement through the
non-Abelian Cheshire charge in spin-3/2 systems
Ref. [4] .
The quintet Cooper pairing order parameters in the polar basis
form a 5-vector of the SO(5) symmetry group.
The ground state exhibits the polar condensation where the SO(5)
symmetry is broken into SO(4).
This allows the half-quantum vortex loop to possess the non-Abelian
SO(4) Cheshire charge, in contrast to the U(1) Cheshire charge in
the 3He-A phase.
We also explore the high symmetry ects on collective spin excitations
and the structure of the half-quantum vortex line as a \pi-disclination
in the spin channel.
We show that by driving the fermion quasiparticle (or spin-wave impulse)
through the half-quantum vortex loop, quantum entanglement between
them is topologically generated.
This effect has a potential application in the topological
quantum computation.
References and talks
1. Congjun Wu, Jiang-ping Hu, and Shou-cheng Zhang,
"Exact SO(5) symmetry in the spin 3/2 fermionic system",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 , 186402(2003),
see pdf file .
2. Congjun Wu, "Hidden symmetry and quantum phases in spin-3/2
cold atomic systems", invited review article,
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 20, 1707 (2006), see
pdf file.
3. Congjun Wu,
"Exotic many-body physics with large-spin Fermi gases"
Physics 3, 92 (2010). See
pdf file .
4. Congjun Wu, Jiangping Hu, and Shou-Cheng Zhang,
"Quintet pairing and non-Abelian vortex string in spin-3/2 cold
atomic systems",
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B V24, 311 (2010).
See pdf file .
5. Congjun Wu,
"Competing orders in one dimensional spin 3/2 fermionic systems",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 266404 (2005), see
pdf file.
6. Shu Chen, Congjun Wu, Shou-Cheng Zhang, and Yupeng Wang,
"Exact spontaneous plaquette ground states for spin-3/2 ladder models",
Phys. Rev. B 72, 214428 (2005) see,
pdf file.
7. Hsiang-hsuan Hung, Yupeng Wang, Congjun Wu,
Quantum magnetism of ultra-cold fermion systems with the symplectic symmetry,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 054406 (2011) .
See pdf file .
8. Cenke Xu, and Congjun Wu ,
"Resonating plaquette phases in large spin cold atom systems"
Phys. Rev. B 77, 134449 (2008) , see
pdf file .
"Hidden symmetry and exotic quantum magnetism with large spin
alkali and alkaline-earth fermions" .
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Last modified: July 15, 2007.