Course Syllabus
Lecture notes
For Lecture 1 to 4, read Herbut book Chapter 1, and Goldenfeld book Chapter 2 and 3
Lecture 1 One dimensional Ising model
Lecture 2 Two dimensional Ising model (I)
Lecture 3 Two dimensional Ising model (II)
Lecture 4 Two dimensional Ising model and 1D quantum Ising model (III)
Supplemental Material : Onsager solution
Lecture 5 Ginzburg Landau mean-field theory
For Lecture 5 to 10, read Goldenfeld book, Chapter 5, 6, 7, 9
Lecture 6 Gaussian model and Ginzburg criterion
Lecture 7 Scaling hypothesis
Lecture 8 Dimension and Anomalous dimension
Lectures 9 and 10 Real Space Renormalization Group I and II
Lecture 11 4-epsilon (I): Gaussian model and scaling
Lecture 12 4-epsilon (II): phi-4 theory and RG equations
Lecture 13 4-epsilon (III): calculation of critical exponents
Lecture 14 4-epsilon (IV): Integration of RG equations, crossover
Lecture 15 Non-liner sigma model, asymptotic freedom
Lecture 16 and 17 K-T transition of XY model
More is different The famous paper by P. W. Anderson.
Howework assignment
HW1: Goldenfeld book "Lectures on phase transitions and RG",
Chapter 3, Excersie 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, due time April 18, on class
Solutions posted Apirl 22 .
HW2: Goldenfeld book "Lectures on phase transitions and RG"
Chapter 5, Excercise 5.1, 6.3; Chapter Excercise 7.1, due time May 14 on class.
Solutions posted on May 22 .
HW3: Goldenfeld book "Lectures on phase transitions and RG"
Chapter 9, Excercise 9.1, 9.3; Chapter 12 Excercise 12-3
due time May 28 on class
Solutions posted on Jun. 11 .
Final projects (to be added more) .
Exact solution to 2D Ising model. Ref.
Schultz, Lieb, and Mattis, Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 856 (1964).
Properties of quantum Ising model, Chapter 4 of the book
"Quantum Phase transition" by S. Sachdev.
Fluctuation induced first-order phase transition (Weinberg-Coleman mechanism) (I)
Ref: B. I. Halperin, T. C. Lubensky and Shang-keng Ma, PRL 47, 1469 (1974);
Fluctuation induced first-order phase transition (Weinberg-Coleman mechanism
(II) Ref: "Radiative Corrections as the Origin of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking",
Weinberg-Coleman, Phys. Rev. D 7, 1888 (1973), or Peskin book P469.
Quantum critical behavior of Heisenberg model in 2D
Ref S. Charkaravarty, B. I. Halperin, and D. R. Nelson, PRB 39, 2344 (1989)
Mermin-Wagner theorem and related things
Ref: Auberbach's book: Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism, Chapter 6.
Application of non-linear sigma model to quantum spin chain
Ref: Auberbach's book: Interacting electrons and quantum
magnetism Chapter 12 and 14
RG for dynamic systems. Ref: Goldenfel's text book
RG in the field theory method: Callan-Symmanzik equaiton.
Ref: Peskin's textbook. Chapter 12 and 13
Quantum phase transition of itinerant electrons. Hertz-Millis
Ref: Ben Simons' texbbook "Condensed matter field theory",
Chapter 8, problem 8.8.2.
The density-matrix renormalization group: Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 259
(2005) U. Schollwock.
An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems
Rev. Mod. Phys. 51, 659 (1979), John B. Kogut.
Quantum phase transtion, Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 315 (1997)
S. L. Sondhi, S. M. Girvin, J. P. Carini, and D. Shahar.
Criticality on fractals, arXiv:1404.6311,
"Quantum criticality from Ising model on fractal lattices"
Beni Yoshida, Aleksander Kubica.

Solutions posted on Jun. 11 .
Final projects (to be added more) .

Last modified: Jan 7, 2010.