Classical literature reading

  1. Anderson, P. W.
    More is different: broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science
    Science, 177(4047), 393-396.
    See pdf file

  2. Congjun Wu
    Electromagnetic way to derive basic relativistic transformations
    arXiv:2209.07466 .

  3. Anderson, P. W., Langacker, P., Mann, A. K.
    Broken Symmetry Can't Compare with Ferromagnets
    Physics Today, 43(5), 117.
    See pdf file

  4. 刘全慧
    大学物理, 26(5), 1-1. See pdf file

  5. Hooft, G.
    How to become a GOOD Theoretical Physicist
    See link

  6. Andrew Zangwill
    Philip Anderson: Virtuoso of condensed matter
    Physics Today 75, 3, 28 (2022).
    See pdf file

  7. Goodstein, D., Goodstein, J.
    Richard Feynman and the History of Superconductivity
    Physics in Perspective, 2(1), 30-47.
    See pdf file

  8. Sethna, J. P.
    Power laws in physics
    Nature Reviews Physics, 4(8), 501-503.
    See pdf file

  9. Rabi, I. I., Code, R. F.
    Stories from the early days of quantum mechanics
    Physics Today, 59(8), 36.
    See pdf file

  10. Weinberg, S.
    Four golden lessons
    Nature, 426(6965), 389-389.
    See pdf file

  11. Lifshitz, E. M.
    Lev Davidovich Landau(1908-68)
    Elsevier. See pdf file

  12. Abrikosov, A. A.
    Recollections of L. D. Landau
    Elsevier. See pdf file

  13. Ioffe, B. L.
    Landau's Theoretical Minimum, Landau's Seminar, ITEP in the Beginning of the 1950's

  14. Fisher, M. P.
    Are We Quantum Computers, or Merely Clever Robots?
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 31(07), 1743001.
    See pdf file

  15. Feynman, R. P., Goodstein, D. L., Goodstein, J. R.
    Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun.
    WW Norton & Company. See pdf file

  16. Arttu Rajantie
    The search for magnetic monopoles
    Physics Today 69, 10, 40 (2016).
    See pdf file

  17. Juan Maldacena
    The symmetry and simplicity of the laws of physics and the Higgs boson

  18. Wigner, E. P.
    The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
    Mathematics and science (pp. 291-306). See pdf file

  19. Ward-Takahashi identity
    Ward, J. C. , An identity in quantum electrodynamics,
    Physical Review, 78(2), 182,
    See pdf file ;
    Takahashi, Y. , On the generalized ward identity,
    Nuovo Cim 6, 371–375 (1957)
    See pdf file .

  20. Zee, A.
    The effectiveness of mathematics in fundamental physics
    Mathematics and science (pp. 307-323).
    See pdf file

  21. Wang, H.
    Time in philosophy and in physics: From Kant and Einstein to Gödel
    Synthese, 102(2), 215-234.
    See pdf file

  22. Denardo, B. C., Puda, J. J., Larraza, A.
    A water wave analog of the Casimir effect.
    American Journal of Physics, 77(12), 1095-1101.
    See pdf file

  23. Ozturk, S. F., Sasselov, D. D.
    On the Origins of Life's Homochirality: Inducing Enantiomeric Excess with Spin-Polarized Electrons.

  24. Leggett, A. J.
    On the Concept of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Symmetry in Condensed Matter Physics
    Foundations of Physics, VoL 21, No. 3, 1991.
    See pdf file

  25. Leggett, A. J.
    On the Nature of Research in Condensed-State Physics
    Foundations of Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1992.
    See pdf file

  26. Leggett, A. J.
    Nobel Lecture, December 8, 2003. See pdf file

  27. Leggett, A. J.
    Reflections on the past, present and future of condensed matter physics
    Science Bulletin 63 (2018) 1019–1022.
    See pdf file

  28. Leggett, A. J.
    Matchmaking Between Condensed Matter and Quantum Foundations, and Other Stories: My Six Decades in Physics
    Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2020. 11: 1–16.
    See pdf file

  29. Dyson, F.
    Birds and Frogs
    Notices of the AMS, 56(2), 212-223.
    See pdf file

  30. Dyson, F.
    Missed opportunities
    Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 78(5), 635-652.
    See pdf file

  31. Dyson, F.
    A Conservative revolutionary
    Modern Physics Letters A, 14(22), 1455-1459. See pdf file

  32. Dyson, F.
    Search for artificial stellar sources of infrared radiation
    Science, 131(3414), 1667-1668.
    See pdf file

  33. Hecht, E.
    An historico-critical account of potential energy: is PE really real?
    The Physics Teacher, 41(8), 486-493.
    See pdf file

  34. Metropolis, N., Ulam, S.
    The monte carlo method.
    Journal of the American statistical association, 44(247), 335-341.
    See pdf file

  35. Klein, F.
    A comparative review of recent researches in geometry.
    Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 2(10), 215-249.
    See pdf file

  36. Birkhoff, G., Bennett, M. K.
    Felix Klein and his" Erlanger Programm".
    See pdf file

  37. Yu, S. H. I.
    Historic Origin of Quantum Entanglement in Particle Physics
    Progress in Physics, 43(3), 57.
    See pdf file

  38. Shannon, C. E.
    A Mathematical Theory of Communication
    The Bell system technical journal, 27(3), 379-423.
    See pdf file

  39. Friston, K.
    The free-energy principle: a unified brain theory?
    Nature reviews neuroscience, 11(2), 127-138.
    See pdf file

  40. Hirshfeld, A. C.
    Knots and physics: Old wine in new bottles.
    American Journal of Physics, 66(12), 1060-1066.
    See pdf file

  41. 敖平
    科学通报, 63(2), 119-126.
    See pdf file

  42. 高淼, 卢仲毅, 向涛
    通过金属化 σ 电子寻找新的高温超导体.
    物理, 44(07), 421-426.
    See pdf file

  43. V. S. Varadarajan
    George Mackey and His Work on Representation Theory and Foundations of Physics
    Contemporary Mathematics, 449, 417.
    See pdf file

  44. O'Malley Jr, R. E.
    Singular perturbation theory: a viscous flow out of Göttingen.
    Annual review of fluid mechanics, 42, 1-17.
    See pdf file

  45. Weil, A.
    Two lectures on number theory, past and present.
    Enseign. Math, 20(2), 87-110.
    See pdf file

  46. John, H. B., Goodman-Strauss,
    Conway's Mathematics After Conway
    See pdf file

  47. Anderson, P. W.
    Spin glass
    Physics Today, 41(1), 9-11.
    See pdf file

  48. Lieb, E. H., Yngvason, J.
    A guide to entropy and the second law of thermodynamics
    Statistical Mechanics: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb, 353-363.
    See pdf file

  49. Poincaré, H.
    On the Dynamics of the Electron
    The Genesis of General Relativity, 1179-1198
    See pdf file

  50. Chiribella, G., D’Ariano, G. M., Perinotti, P., Valiron, B.
    Quantum computations without definite causal structure
    Physical Review A, 88(2), 022318.
    See pdf file

  51. Baudis, L.
    Probing Majorana Neutrinos
    January 30, 2023, Physics 16, 13
    See pdf file

  52. Rowland, H. A.
    A plea for pure science.
    Science, 2(29), 242-250.
    See pdf file

  53. Hopfield, J. J.
    Physics, Computation, ancll Why Biology Looks so Different
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, 171(1), 53-60.
    See pdf file

  54. Frauenfelder, H., Sligar, S. G., Wolynes, P. G.
    The Energy Landscapes and Motions of Proteins
    Science, 254(5038), 1598-1603.
    See pdf file

  55. Laughlin, R. B., Pines, D., Schmalian, J., Stojković, B. P., Wolynes, P.
    The middle way
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97(1), 32-37.
    See pdf file

  56. Lisi, A. G., Weatherall, J. O.
    A Geometric Theory of Everything
    Scientific American, 303(6), 54-61.
    See pdf file

  57. Lami, L., Regula, B.
    No second law of entanglement manipulation after all
    Nature Physics, 1-6.
    See pdf file

  58. Lamb, W. E.
    Applied Physics B, 60(2), 77-84.
    See pdf file

  59. “声子”的诞生
    谢梦祥, 任捷
    《物理》, 2022年第12期

  60. 微积术的发现与发展

  61. White, C. D.
    Double copy — from optics to quantum gravity

  62. 朗道学派的那些大将和他们的著作

  63. Sebastian, D
    How Bayes' theorem helped win the second world war
    Towards Data Science

  64. Goldhaber, A. S., Trower, W. P.
    Resource Letter MM‐1: Magnetic monopoles.
    American Journal of Physics, 58(5), 429-439.
    See pdf file

  65. Sakmann, B.
    Sparks in the Brain: The Story of Ion Channels and Nerve Cells
    Fontiers for Young Minds

  66. Atiyah, M.
    Mathematics in the 20th Century.
    The American Mathematical Monthly, 108(7), 654-666.
    See pdf file

  67. Richeson, D. S.
    Why Mathematicians Study Knots
    Quanta magazine

  68. Maxwell, J. C.
    Experiments on Colour, as perceived by the Eye, with Remarks on Colour-Blindness.
    Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 21(2), 275-298.
    See pdf file

  69. Marais, A
    The future of quantum biology
    Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(148), 20180640.
    See pdf file

  70. Ozturk, S. F., Sasselov, D. D.
    On the origins of life's homochirality: Inducing enantiomericexcess with spin-polarized electrons
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    See pdf file

  71. Qi, X. L.
    Does gravity come from quantum information?
    Nature Physics, 14(10), 984-987.
    See pdf file

  72. Bloom, B. P., Waldeck, A. R., Waldeck, D. H.
    Homochirality and chiral-induced spin selectivity: A new spin on the origin of life
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(34)

  73. Preskill, J.
    The Physics of Quantum Information

  74. Shor, P. W.
    The Early Days of Quantum Computation
    See pdf file

  75. Sethna, J. P.
    Power laws in physics
    Nature Reviews Physics volume 4, pages501–503 (2022)
    See pdf file

  76. West, G. B., Brown, J. H.
    Life’s Universal Scaling Laws
    Physics today, 57(9), 36-43.
    See pdf file

  77. Hopfield, J. J.
    Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities
    Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 79(8), 2554-2558.
    See pdf file

  78. Gross, D. J.
    The role of symmetry in fundamental physics
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(25), 14256-14259.
    See pdf file

  79. Bell, J. S.
    On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox
    Physics Physique Fizika, 1(3), 195.
    See pdf file

  80. Bennett, C. H., Fowler, A. B.
    Rolf W. Landauer 1927-1999: a biographical memoir
    Washington DC: National Academy of Sciences. See pdf file

  81. Landauer, R.
    Minimal energy requirements in communication.
    Science, 272(5270), 1914-1918.
    See pdf file

  82. Heisenberg, W.
    Quantum-theoretical re-interpretation of kinematic and mechanical relations
    Z. Phys, 33, 879-893.
    See pdf file

  83. Eddy, S. R.
    What is Bayesian statistics?
    Nature biotechnology, 22(9), 1177-1178.
    See pdf file

  84. Kevin Hartnett
    A Path Less Taken to the Peak of the Math World.
    Quantamagazine(June 27, 2017)

  85. 杨振宁
    科技文化. See pdf file

  86. 思源
    电磁场理论的 (外) 微分形式

  87. 李硕彥
    神奇的模式概率与 “鞅”
    数学经纬. See pdf file

  88. 陈泽晟

  89. 林开亮

  90. 敖平
    大卫·邵勒斯的治学和建树: 纯粹探索凌绝顶
    科学通报 See pdf file

  91. Zhu, X. G., Long, S. P., Ort, D. R.
    Improving photosynthetic efficiency for greater yield.
    Annual review of plant biology, 61, 235–261.
    See pdf file

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Last modified: Tue April 05, 2022.