Introduction to C. N. Yang's Selected Works


Lecture notes

  • Lecture 1 : η pairing and its development
  • Reference: η pairing and off-diagonal long-range order in a Hubbard model. C. N. Yang (1989). PRL, 63(19), 2144.
  • Reference: SO(4) symmetry in a Hubbard model. C. N. Yang and S. C. Zhang (1990). Modern Physics Letters B, 4(11), 759-766.
  • Reference: SO(5) theory of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. E. Demler, W. Hanke and S. C. Zhang (2004). Reviews of modern physics, 76(3), 909.
  • Reference: Exact SO(5) symmetry in the spin-3/2 fermionic system. C. Wu, J. P. Hu and S. C. Zhang (2003). PRL, 91(18), 186402.

  • Lecture 2 : Off-diagonal long-range order
  • Reference: On the Quantum Mechanics of Helium II. O. Penrose, Phil. Mag. 42,1373 (1951)
  • Reference: Bose-Einstein condensation and liquid helium. O. Penrose, L. Onsager (1956). Physical Review, 104(3), 576.
  • Reference: Theoretical considerations concerning quantized magnetic flux in superconducting cylinders. N. Byers, C. N. Yang (1961). PRL, 7(2), 46.
  • Reference: Concept of off-diagonal long-range order and the quantum phases of liquid He and of superconductors. C. N. Yang (1962). Reviews of Modern Physics, 34(4), 694.
  • Reference: Competing orders in one-dimensional spin-3/2 fermionic systems. C. Wu (2005). PRL, 95(26), 266404.

  • Lecture 3 : Bose gas of hard spheres
  • Reference: Quantum-mechanical many-body problem with hard-sphere interaction. K. Huang, C. N. Yang (1957). Physical Review, 105(3), 767.
  • Reference: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a Bose system of hard spheres and its low-temperature properties. T. D. Lee, K. Huang, C. N. Yang (1957). Physical Review, 106(6), 1135.
  • Reference: FIFTY YEARS OF HARD-SPHERE BOSE GAS: 1957–2007. K. Huang (2007). International Journal of Modern Physics B, 21(30), 5059-5073.
  • Reference: Atomic theory of the two-fluid model of liquid helium. R. P. Feynman (1954). Physical Review, 94(2), 262.

  • Lecture 4 : TBA

  • Lecture 5 : Lee-Yang theorems of phase transitions
  • Reference: Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions. I. Theory of condensation. C. N. Yang, T. D. Lee (1952). Physical Review, 87(3), 404.
  • Reference: Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions. II. Lattice gas and Ising model. T. D. Lee, C. N. Yang (1952). Physical Review, 87(3), 410.

  • Lecture 6 : Parity Non-conservation
  • Reference: Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions T. D. Lee, C. N. Yang (1956). PhysRev.104.254
  • Reference: The Discovery of the Parity Violation in Weak Interactions and Its Recent Development C. S. Wu (1983). The Nishina Commemorative Lecture (LNP, volume 746)

  • Lecture 7 : Magnetic monopole
  • Reference: Quantised singularities in the electromagnetic field. P. A. M. Dirac (1931). Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A133, 60.
  • Reference: MAGNETIC MONOPOLES, FIBER BUNDLES, AND GAUGE FIELDS. C. N. Yang (1977). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 294, 86.

  • Lecture 8 : Quantum Top and Monopole Harmonics
  • Reference: Dirac monopole without strings: Monopole harmonics. T T. Wu and C. N. Yang (1976). Nuclear Physics B, 107(3), 365.

  • Lecture 9 : Symmetry dictates interactions -- Yang-Mills theory
  • Reference: Einstein's impact on theoretical physics. C. N. Yang (1980). Physics Today, 33(6), 42.
  • Reference: Conservation of isotopic spin and isotopic gauge invariance. C. N. Yang, R. L. Mills (1954). PhysRev, 96, 191.

  • Lecture 10 : Topological Aspect of Yang-Mills theory
  • Reference: Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang-Mills equations. A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.S. Schwartz, Yu.S. Tyupkin (1975). Physics Letters B, 59, 85
  • Reference: Generalization of Dirac’s monopole to SU2 gauge fields. C. N. Yang (1978), J. Math Phys, 19, 320

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